Sunday, 20 October 2013

Week 8: Class Exercise- Vormator & Clipping Mask

This week's class exercise is The Vorrmator. It's a challenge to create a visual by using a very limited shapes and possibilities. We are provided with only eight vector shapes, called the Elements, which only allowed us to use within a given set of rules. The goal of the project is to show the importance of limitations on creativity.

Here's the given elements. Firstly we need to trace all these shapes & copy-pasting them, filled it with colors and use them to form an image.

These are all the examples of Vormator artwork. They are all formed by using all the 8 shapes above. 

This is my Vormator artwork, playing around with the 8 shapes that I have traced. Using just copy-pasting, pathfinder, & colors.

Then I use clipping mask to make the water color texture effect on my monster's body. 

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Week 4: Class Exercise - Tracing

Today's Mr Hafiz class we learned how to use path tool and also pen tool as well. It's about the shadows of the pictures.

All we need to do is to replace the shadow of a pear with the shadow of a skull. I choose a picture of strawberry and using the pen tool and pathfinder to trace and place the shadow. Successfully places the shadow of the skull on the strawberry.

Then we were asked to trace a picture with shadows and lighting by using pen tool so here's my tracing :

Monday, 9 September 2013

Week 3: Assignment 1 - Chop Chop [Mind Mapping // Sketches]

This week's given word is chop-chop. I really have no idea where to start so I ended up starting with doing mind mapping. 

From the mind map, I came up with these designs. It's about a scissors cutting the word CHOP into half. The second one is about the cutting vegetables from my mind map. Chopping the carrot into pieces with the word CHOP on each piece of the carrot. 

I have found something interested about the word chop-chop while doing my mind map. I found that karate also can related in the word chop-chop as the pose looked like it's chopping something. 

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Week 2: Class Exercise - Pen Tool

Today is the first class of Mr. Hafiz's class. We learned how to use pen tool in Adobe Illustrator. This is also my first time using Ai. We was given an image and asked to trace out using pen tool.

First try out using pen tool in illustrator wasn't that bad after all. Will try to do more to improve my tracing skill. (:

Monday, 2 September 2013

Week 2: Assignment 1 - Hide & Reveal [Mind Map // Sketches]

Week 2: Assignment 1 - Hide & Reveal [Mind Mapping // Sketches]
 The exercise for week 2 was to create an artwork with the given words Hide & Reveal. Using the paper cut-out technique with the concept of negative and positive space (black and white). I have did mind mapping before working on the final sketch.

 From the mind map that I did, I have came out with a few ideas. For my first sketch, I have picked H and R to design my artwork with. H for hide and R for reveal. For the "H" I choose roots as the background of the word as from the research  that I have done root is the organ of a plant that typically lies below the surface of the soil which means it hide under the solid. So I choose root to represent my H - hide. For R, I have choose the pattern of eyes. Eyes are the organs of vision, we use our eyes to see things. Everything will expose under our eyes so I use it to represent the word R - reveal. 
For the second sketch, I choose moon and floral as my themes. Moon to describe H - hide as the moon hide during day time and only show up during night time. Floral is because no matter during what time they will always be there and to seen by everyone. 

This design is based on the previous one moon & floral's. I improved it but using the moon shape as outline but inside filled with many "hide" and as the floral part I changed the floral to patterns but it still have the flowers feeling there. The word reveal is actually inside there. 

I end up came out with this design which describe the face and thought. Thought to represent H- hide ; We create visible face mask to hide our true colour away from others people, when we speak we don't speak the truth we hide our thought away from people so that they don't read our mind easily. For the face it represent reveal, face is our physical appearance. When we meet someone new, we will first look at their faces. Negative and positive space used in this artwork.     

I added some patterns around the artwork to make it looks more interesting. The middle one is the patterns of sea because from the mind map I found out that sea can be use to represent reveal as well. Because sea it too big to be hide away. The outer layer is the pattern of floral I invested it from my second design. 

Paper cutting try out just to make sure the design won't break into pieces when doing paper cut-out.